Friday, December 16, 2011


Yes, yes, I gave into the blog thing. =P I decided this is a blog where I would share my thoughts, wedding stuff and soon to be, my life with my future husband, Mark. =) Mark will be blogging on this as well...well, when he has time. ;)

Yesterday, I went to the Rupprecht's house and hung out with Sarah for the whole afternoon! We made lemonade and cookies. =) Out of all my friends I think I've baked and made lemonade with Sarah most! That was just our thing when we were little, whenever I came over we had to be baking *something*.
I'm so very blessed by Sarah! She always has a listening ear for me, and all those around her. Sarah also knows just how to encourage and lift up. =) I enjoyed every minute of being with her. (and Johnny)

While we were making lemonade I got to thinking about the famous saying: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." That really should be: "When God gives you lemons, He'll make lemonade" and in little parenthesis put: "(He promises)".  

Looking at the lemons in the sink, it made me think of how when God brings hardships in our lives. They look very dirty and gross and seem sour to us, we think: "Why now? How come? When will it go away?" We don't even stop and think that God is faithful, He'll bring us through it. God is always good. 
When we finished making the lemonade it tasted perfect! (to me and Sarah at least =P) Which got me thinking, we just have to wait and rest on the Lord, for everything. Because even when times seem hard to us God is faithful, good, and loving and He's just waiting for the perfect time to make delicious, refreshing lemonade. =) 

 "Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind!" Ps. 31:19