Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolution

Happy New Year!

So many things have happened this year! God has taught Mark and I SO much! From the beginning of year till the very end God has once again proven Himself faithful and true. =) 
From Edison tests, to getting a job with Mr. Sanders, to working for Uncle Tommy its been a HUGE year for Mark. God has taught me so much this year, how to encourage Mark and most of all trust in Him. 

One of my resolutions or my goals is to really try and love like Jesus loves. I realize I am NOT a giver, I'm selfish and the past few days of 2011 God had graciously opened my eyes to see how much I need Him in this area. Through out last year I knew I had this problem of selfishness in my life, but I figured I could be humble and loving on my own. It was more attractive to me to think I could do it on my own then to lean on Christ. A few days ago God used my closest friend to bring this sin area to my attention. The way that friend worded it was totally God through them. He opened my eyes in the moment and that's when I realized it's not about me being able to do anything, it's about God, He can do anything...He can turn this cold ugly heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Only by Him am I able to get through this sin. Asking His Spirit to fill me with a love like His own. 

This was Christmas at the Johnson's on Christmas eve! I had a wonderful time! Some of you may not know, but Grandpa used to be (and kinda still is) a carpenter. So he has a very special connection with Mark and loves hearing about his work. It was awesome to have Grandpa be able to see Mark's tools and stuff. As I stood there watching Mark talking to Grandpa about his work and his cool gadgets I got teary. This guy right here is one of the most selfless people I know. He has such a BIG heart for others and desires to serve them so much. I look up to this guy (literally) so much. One of the things that came time mind while I continued watching in awe, wanting to be like that so much, I thought: "I want to marry this man, over and over again." This picture, to me, is such a glory to God and His amazing grace in our lives.

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater loves has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." John 15:12-13