Thursday, February 16, 2012


On January 14th I married Mark Zachary Johnson. We had a wonderful courtship, engagment and wedding! We had SO many friends come, and it meant so very much to us! We felt totally blessed by the whole day! God is so amazing to give us such wonderful things even when we don't deserve them. =) Praise Him.

While on our honeymoon, Mark had been feeling a little discomfort in his stomach but nothing really to talk about...(he didn't tell me this till after)
After our honeymoon Mark got a fever and was real sick with rashes and all stuff. haha. God was totally teaching me that: "The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." I was totally figuring when we got home, everything would be peachy and we'd concur the WORLD! (not really...but you know what I mean ;) Of course, Mark coming down with a sickness totally took me off guard, but God was gracious to this sinner, who often gets upset when plans get changed.
Within six days the fever hadn't really broken, we went to the hospital and Mark was checked for ALL sorts of things and it turned out to only be an infected gallbladder! =P When they told us about his gallbladder and how he was to have surgery the next day, I remember looking at Mark to see what his reaction would be. My mind went all sorts of places, starting to freak out a little but trying not to show it on my face. Mark just laughed a little and said: "Okay." with a smile. In my mind I went: "WHAT?" if I was in that situation I would be totally upset that the things I had planned were not going the way I intended.
Something I've always been told by Mark since we've been in a relationship is: "Do the hard thing, and trust God for the good thing." My husband, by God's awesome grace, was able to apply this so well, and by example really show me what that looked like. He was willing to do the uncomfortable thing for the ultimate good thing. Yes, I know in his case he kinda had to...but he didn't have to do it with a peaceful and trusting heart.
Honestly, if it wasn't for God's grace and my husband's great attitude with this whole situation I would've been a mess. I'm so thankful for the means of grace God gives in a husband. =) 

So two BIG things I've learned since I've been married: 1. Don't put your hope in things...just trust God for every moment in your life. 2. If God changes your plans...the only way we can stand is "on our knees with lifted hands".
So be willing, our God is a loving, kind, good and caring God. His Son died on the cross for our sin so that we might live with Him in eternity forever. This God that we serve, He wants our BEST, period.

"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." Isaiah 1:19