Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh the Mighty Power of God

The title of this post says it all really...

The college group recently went on an outing to the Irvine Spectrum to people watch. =) Our homework was to observe how many people have their own lives, own friends, family everything...just like us, but we're not apart of it. We don't know about their lives...but God does. There were seriously hundreds of people there and I was just in awe of the Lord.

                          knows our  
               Plans our
       is totally in

It really showed me just how powerful and great our God is. Even while all of us humans needs are met according to the Lord's will, God even looks out for the animals and plants!
It made me scared to be without the Lord, and thankful that I am His.
We serve an awesome Lord...and I want others to know how loving and caring our Savior is.

On a side note I got some shots of two girls that God created, for His purpose and glory.

My favorite! 

I have to take at least one macro...=P

Come, Almighty to deliver, 
                          let us all Thy life receive; 
                            suddenly return and never, 
                                   nevermore Thy temples leave. 
                                            Thee we would be always blessing, 
                                                      serve Thee as thy hosts above, 
                                                                 pray and praise Thee without ceasing, 
                                                                           glory in Thy perfect love.
                                                    -Love Devine, All loves Excelling

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Learning How to Shoot

One of the things I've really enjoyed about Mark is his love for learning. =) Seriously, like yesterday he spent like a couple hours just researching. Through our, almost 4 months of, marriage Mark has been teaching me how to use my camera a lot more! All the technical things...although I'm still learning, its been REALLY helpful so far. =)

Yesterday, Mark and I decided to go to the park yesterday and practice some picture taking skills before the wedding! =) And some poses! Mark is more of the people person shots, and I'm more of the up close artsy shots kinda girl. So here is just a *little* of what we took yesterday afternoon!

I thought it was funny how big his head looked. XD

"Behold God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul." Psalm 54:4