Thursday, May 10, 2012

Learning How to Shoot

One of the things I've really enjoyed about Mark is his love for learning. =) Seriously, like yesterday he spent like a couple hours just researching. Through our, almost 4 months of, marriage Mark has been teaching me how to use my camera a lot more! All the technical things...although I'm still learning, its been REALLY helpful so far. =)

Yesterday, Mark and I decided to go to the park yesterday and practice some picture taking skills before the wedding! =) And some poses! Mark is more of the people person shots, and I'm more of the up close artsy shots kinda girl. So here is just a *little* of what we took yesterday afternoon!

I thought it was funny how big his head looked. XD

"Behold God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul." Psalm 54:4


  1. Found your blog from FB. I am bookmarking it to check in on you. Lovely pictures!!! You are both gifted photographers. Please keep up the great work. Aunt Chris

  2. These are great! You both have a lot of talent, and I am really glad you are taking the wedding pictures! :]

  3. When I saw 'learning how to shoot' I thought I would be seeing pictures of Nika holding a rifle. Great mental image!
