Monday, July 16, 2012

Lauren's B-day

We're totally trying to catch up on all the pictures we've taken since Joy and Josh's wedding!
Last month we celebrated Lauren's Birthday! We played games, talked and ate some yummy foods! =) This girl is such a testimony of the Lord and really does show His love to those around her. Not only in her actions but just her facial expressions, proclaim what a great God we serve. 

Here were our favorites from Lauren's special day!


"But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; may those who love Your salvation always say, "The Lord be exalted!" -Psalm 40:16


  1. Yay pictures! These are fun! It's so weird seeing pics of me. XD

  2. Very fun! Makes you feel like you were there! ~Mom

  3. Looks like it was lots'a fun! I love the first baby picture. =3
    You guys are both very talented! =)
