Friday, August 24, 2012

Sweet Sammi

So after seeing Bekka's photo shoot with Sammi, I decided to take Sammi on one myself! =)

When we left at six, I had everything planned out, gas for the truck, then to Ralphs for balloons! After getting gas for the truck we headed to Ralphs, I was so excited that everything was working out how I had planned I told Sammi: "Yay! Everything's going smoothly...unless God has something different."
Well, God definetly did have something different. Turns out the guy who was blowing up and tying the balloons as new and not very good at it. =( After ten minutes waiting I was starting to get impatient and I looked at Sammi, she just smiled at me and said: "Well, God had something different." God used Sammi so much in that moment to get my mind out of myself and onto what the Lord had planned. So Sammi and I waited and preached to ourselves until ten minutes later he had finished! We ran to the car and started driving! Sure enough, I got a little lost! But God is faithful and good and we found the place we needed to be in no time!

Anyways! Here are my favorites from our shoot!


The balloons didn't work out so well....

"The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." Prov. 16:9

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